Bonded & Insured

James Johnson at your service.I have been a builder and doing roof repair for 18 years.I'm quick,efficient,and affordable.Houses,garages,or sheds is my specialty.If you're in need of some roof repair whether a small job,or perhaps a large job.Feel free to contact me.I give free estimates and would be glad to stop by,take a look and give you a price.
There has been very little,to no ice damage this year so things have been slow for us.So we're readily available,so please feel free to call.
I tend to stay away from large barns and 4 story plus buildings.So please keep that in mind when contacting me.
Bonded & Insured
Barnum Roof Repair 218-316-2000
3814 County Road 6 Barnum Mn 55707